Private transport data
For passenger cars and trucks
The data stored in BayernInfo is made available free of charge (as far as technically and legally possible) for in-vehicle applications, websites, external systems and for research purposes.
Traffic reports
In the Bavarian Traffic Information Center (VIZ-BY), reports on traffic jams and gridlocked traffic are automatically generated from data from connected vehicles and apps.
- Data provision: via Mobilithek
- Update cycle: 3 minutes
- Availability: free
- Data model: DATEX2 XML
- Data transmission: HTTPS/SOAP
- Contact: Center for Traffic Management
Road works reports
The VIZ-BY creates road works reports for all road classes. The road works information originates from automatic systems of traffic safety trailers, is entered directly by the implementing agencies or researched by the BayernInfo traffic editorial office.
- Data provision: via Mobilithek
- Update cycle: 3 minutes
- Availability: free
- Data model: DATEX2 XML
- Data transmission: HTTPS/SOAP
- Contact: Center for Traffic Management
Current traffic data from measurement sensors on motorways
Large parts of the Bavarian motorway network are equipped with sensors for recording speeds, traffic volumes and environmental data (weather).
- Data provision: via separate interface
- Update cycle: 1 minute
- Availability: free
- Data model: CSV
- Data transmission: HTTPS/SOAP
- Contact: Autobahn GmbH
Current switching data of traffic control systems
Via traffic control, e.g. dynamic speed limits, truck overtaking prohibitions, warnings or diversion recommendations are displayed. The data can be retrieved in the form of switching information or diversion routes.
- Data provision: via Mobilithek
- Update cycle: 1 Minute
- Availability: free
- Data model: DATEX2 XML
- Data transmission: HTTPS/SOAP
- Contact: Autobahn GmbH
Webcam images of bavarian roads
A webcam register is integrated in VIZ-BY, where current images from webcams are stored and managed for traffic information.
- Data provision: via API
- Update cycle: 10 seconds to 5 minutes
- Availability: free
- Data transmission: HTTPS/SOAP
- Contact: Center for Traffic Management
Data on the current occupancy of truck parking spaces
Various parking lots and service stations in Bavaria are equipped with an automatic system for recording the occupancy of truck parking spaces.
- Data provision: via Mobilithek
- Update cycle: 3 minutes
- Availability: free
- Data model: DATEX2 XML
- Data transmission: HTTPS/SOAP
- Contact: Autobahn GmbH
Traffic Demand Model Bavaria
The Bavarian Traffic Demand Model (LVM-By) is a planning tool that replicates all mobility modes as a digital twin. In addition to the actual situation, which is represented by empirically collected traffic data such as censuses, mobility studies and floating car data, LVM-By can also be used to evaluate planned measures and scenarios.
- Data provision: via download
- Update cycle: When new input data is available
- Availability: free with data transfer contract
- Data model: PTV Visum .ver
- Data transmission: HTTPS
- Contact: Center for Traffic Management
Switching data of traffic signal systems
The traffic signal control center contains the current process data of the connected traffic signal systems operated by the State of Bavaria. This data can be transmitted via an interface. In an expansion program, more than 1,000 traffic signal systems are to be connected in the coming years.
- Data provision: via interface
- Availability: on request with data transfer contract
- Data model: OCIT-C
- Contact: Center for Traffic Management